Dutch language

How to pronounce characteristic in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms feature
Type of attribute, property, dimension
Has types sex character, attracter, attraction, attractive feature, attractor, badge, centerpiece, centrepiece, contour, distinctive feature, distinguishing characteristic, excellence, excellency, external, facet, invariant, magnet, peculiarity, safety feature, aspect, sex characteristic, sexual characteristic

generosity is one of his best characteristics.
Type Words
Synonyms device characteristic
Type of property
Type Words
Type of quality
Has types passport, aspect, point, directness, trademark, recommendation, robustness, ruralism, rurality, safeness, compatibility, saving grace, earmark, indirectness, incurableness, spot, straightness, streak, stylemark, curability, curableness, dangerousness, hallmark, incurability, incompatibility
Type Words
Type of whole number, integer
Type Words
Derivation character

heard my friend's characteristic laugh.
red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn.
stripes characteristic of the zebra.