Dutch language

How to pronounce cause in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms causal agency, causal agent
Type of physical entity
Has types agent, engine, theurgy, supernatural, fate, first cause, force, catalyst, cause of death, vital principle, soul, life principle, killer, individual, manipulator, mortal, someone, nature, occult, operator, somebody, person, power, prime mover, primum mobile, danger, destiny, deus ex machina
Derivation causal
Type Words
Synonyms do, make
Type of make, create
Has types prompt, propel, regulate, provoke, set up, shape, spawn, actuate, breed, call forth, determine, effect, effectuate, engender, evoke, facilitate, force, impel, incite, influence, initiate, kick up, make, mold, motivate, move, occasion, pioneer
Derivation causation, causative

cause a commotion.
cause an accident.
Type Words
Synonyms case, causa, lawsuit, suit
Type of legal proceeding, proceedings, proceeding
Has types class-action suit, paternity suit, civil suit, class action, bastardy proceeding, moot, criminal suit, countersuit
Type Words
Synonyms get, have, induce, make, stimulate
Has types inspire, instigate, let, encourage, bring, solicit, obligate, oblige, compel, persuade, decide, prompt, suborn, lead
Derivation causation, causative
Type Words
Synonyms campaign, crusade, drive, effort, movement
Type of venture
Has types feminist movement, ad campaign, advertising campaign, anti-war movement, campaigning, candidacy, candidature, charm campaign, consumerism, electioneering, feminism, ad blitz, fund-raising campaign, fund-raising drive, fund-raising effort, gay lib, gay liberation movement, lost cause, political campaign, reform, war, women's lib, women's liberation movement, youth crusade, youth movement

they worked in the cause of world peace.
Type Words
Synonyms grounds, reason
Type of justification
Derivation causal

he had no cause to complain.
Type Words
Type of origin, inception, origination
Has types producer, factor, etiology, antecedent, mutagenesis, aetiology
Derivation causal

they are trying to determine the cause of the crash.