Dutch language

How to pronounce catch in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms get
Type of hit
Type Words
Synonyms pick up
Type of perceive, comprehend

ears open to catch every sound.
Type Words
Synonyms get
Type of hear
Verb group overhear, take in

I didn't catch your name.
Type Words
Synonyms grab, snap, snatch
Type of touching, touch
Has types mesh, interlocking, meshing, interlock, interception, rebound, reception, fair catch, shoestring catch

Mays made the catch with his back to the plate.
Type Words
Synonyms gimmick
Type of drawback
Derivation catchy

it sounds good but what's the catch?.
Type Words
Synonyms get
Type of hurt, suffer, ache
Verb group receive, get

She will catch hell for this behavior!.
Type Words
Synonyms see, take in, view, watch
Type of watch
Has types spectate, preview, visualise, visualize
Verb group see
Type Words
Synonyms grab, take hold of
Type of prehend, seize, clutch
Has types fish, net, stop, hook, intercept, harpoon, nett
Derivation catcher
Type Words
Synonyms overhear, take in
Type of hear
Verb group get
Type Words
Synonyms capture, get
Type of clutch, seize, prehend
Has types retake, rope, lasso, recapture

Did you catch the thief?.
Type Words
Synonyms hitch
Type of attach
Has types snag
Type Words
Synonyms get
Type of reproduce
Verb group get
Type Words
Synonyms haul
Type of indefinite quantity

the catch was only 10 fish.
Type Words
Synonyms stop
Type of constraint, restraint
Has types doorstop, bench hook, click, detent, dog, doorstopper, pawl, trip, tripper
Type Words
Synonyms arrest, get
Type of draw, attract, draw in, pull in, pull
Type Words
Synonyms capture
Type of get, acquire
Has types snare, trap, track down, frog, run, rat, hunt down, hunt, bag, batfowl, trammel, ensnare, entrap
Type Words
Synonyms trip up
Type of hear, pick up, discover, get word, learn, get wind, get a line, find out, see
Type Words
Synonyms apprehension, arrest, collar, pinch, taking into custody
Type of seizure, capture, gaining control
Type Words
Synonyms match
Type of adult, grownup
Type Words
Synonyms becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, charm, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, trance
Type of appeal, attract
Has types work, hold
Type Words
Synonyms catch up with, overtake
Type Words
Synonyms get
Type of understand
Verb group get

did you catch that allusion?.
don't catch your meaning.
Type Words
Type of delivery, speech, manner of speaking
Type Words
Type of game

he played catch with his son in the backyard.
Type Words
Type of fixing, fastening, holdfast, fastener
Has types hasp, hood latch, hook, latch
Type Words
Type of physical object, object

he shared his catch with the others.
Type Words
Type of see, witness, find
Type Words
Type of change
Verb group get

catch fire.
catch the mood.
Type Words
Type of play
Verb group take hold of, grab
Derivation catcher

Who is catching?.
Type Words
Verb group hitch
Type Words
Type of contain, moderate, curb, control, check, hold, hold in

She managed to catch herself before telling her boss what was on her mind.
Type Words
Type of contract, get, take
Has types catch cold
Verb group contract, get, take

did you catch a cold?.
Type Words
Type of detain, delay, hold up
Type Words
Type of surprise
Type Words
Type of get, acquire

catch one's breath.
Type Words
Type of board, get on
Has types get
Verb group catch up with, overtake

I have to catch a train at 7 o'clock.
Type Words
Type of propagate, spread

The fashion did not catch.
Type Words
Type of catch fire, ignite, erupt, take fire, combust, conflagrate
Type Words
Type of amass, pile up, hoard, roll up, collect, accumulate, compile
Verb group capture
Derivation catchment

We have a big barrel to catch the rainwater.