Dutch language

How to pronounce carry in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms channel, conduct, convey, impart, transmit
Type of take, convey, bring
Has types retransmit, bring in, pipe in, wash up
Verb group express, convey
Derivation carrier

The airwaves carry the sound.
Type Words
Synonyms post
Type of transfer
Type Words
Synonyms pack, take
Type of have, feature

I always carry money.
Type Words
Synonyms hold
Type of fuddle, hit the bottle, drink, booze

he had drunk more than he could carry.
Type Words
Synonyms convey, express
Type of intercommunicate, communicate
Has types measure, quantify
Verb group channel, impart, conduct, convey, transmit
Type Words
Synonyms extend
Type of continue
Verb group extend, protract, prolong, draw out
Type Words
Synonyms run
Type of distribute, circularise, pass around, disperse, broadcast, spread, circularize, diffuse, disseminate, circulate, propagate
Type Words
Synonyms persuade, sway
Type of work, act upon, influence
Type Words
Synonyms stock, stockpile
Type of have got, hold, have

Do you carry kerosene heaters?.
Type Words
Synonyms acquit, bear, behave, comport, conduct, deport
Type of hold, act, move, bear
Has types fluster, pose, assert, posture, put forward, deal, walk around
Type Words
Synonyms bear, contain, hold
Type of include
Has types hold in, retain, enclose, confine
Verb group hold, take, contain
Type Words
Synonyms dribble
Type of hit
Type Words
Synonyms transport
Type of move, displace
Has types pack, pipe in, bucket, port, porter, tug, fly, drive, bring, haul, convey, tote, take, cart, lug, bear, return, shoulder, motor, chariot
Derivation carrier

You must carry your camping gear.
carry the suitcases to the car.
This train is carrying nuclear waste.
These pipes carry waste water into the river.
Type Words
Synonyms bear, hold
Has types bear, deport, behave, conduct, comport, balance, acquit, piggyback, poise, sling, stoop
Derivation carriage
Type Words
Synonyms bear, expect, gestate, have a bun in the oven
Type of give birth, birth, have, deliver, bear
Verb group birth, give birth, expect, deliver, bear, have

I am carrying his child.
Type Words
Type of nourish, sustain, nurture

This land will carry ten cows to the acre.
Type Words
Type of raise, farm, produce, grow

this land does not carry olives.
Type Words
Type of hold up, support, sustain, hold
Derivation carrier

How many credits is this student carrying?.
We carry a very large mortgage.
Type Words
Type of range
Verb group convey, transmit, impart, channel, conduct
Type Words
Type of have, feature

This boat can only carry a small sail.
Type Words
Type of imply, involve
Type Words
Type of win
Type Words
Type of conquer, appropriate, capture, seize
Type Words
Type of compensate, counterbalance, correct, make up, even out, even up, even off

I resent having to carry her all the time.
Type Words
Type of locomote, travel, go, move
Type Words
Type of effect

carry too far.
Type Words
Type of feature, have
Type Words
Type of feature, have
Derivation carrier

These bonds carry warrants.
Type Words
Type of bear

carry scars.
Type Words
Type of hold, have, have got
Verb group pack, take

I carry her image in my mind's eye.
I will carry the secret to my grave.
I carry these thoughts in the back of my head.
I carry a lot of life insurance.
Type Words
Type of include
Type Words
Type of maintain, sustain, keep
Type Words
Type of communicate, pass, pass along, put across, pass on
Verb group transport
Type Words
Type of propel, impel
Verb group transport
Type Words
Type of follow

the dog was taught to fetch and carry.
Type Words
Type of obtain
Type Words
Type of do, perform, execute

He cannot carry a tune.
Type Words
Type of promote, further, boost, advance, encourage

carry a cause.
Type Words
Type of transferral, transport, conveyance, transportation, transfer
Has types backpacking, porterage, portage, piggyback, packing, fireman's carry
Type Words
Type of shift, transfer
Verb group post

put down 5 and carry 2.
Type Words
Type of win
Verb group persuade, sway