Dutch language

How to pronounce canvass in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms canvas, sail, sheet
Type of piece of cloth, piece of material
Has types main-topsail, mainsail, save-all, balloon sail, topsail, topgallant sail, topgallant, crossjack, fore-and-aft sail, foresail, headsail, mizzen course, press of canvas, press of sail, square sail, royal, skysail
Type Words
Synonyms canvas
Type of fabric, material, cloth, textile
Has types tarp, tarpaulin
Type Words
Synonyms canvas, canvas tent
Type of collapsible shelter, tent
Has types wall tent, round top, field tent, circus tent, top, big top, sibley tent
Type Words
Synonyms canvas
Type of oil painting
Type Words
Synonyms opinion poll, poll, public opinion poll
Type of inquiry, enquiry, research
Has types straw poll, straw vote, exit poll
Type Words
Synonyms canvas
Type of setting, scope, background
Type Words
Synonyms canvas
Type of mat, gym mat
Type Words
Synonyms analyse, analyze, examine, study
Has types view, look into, name, reexamine, review, screen, scrutinise, scrutinize, sieve, sift, survey, suss out, trace, anatomize, appraise, assay, audit, check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, compare, consider, diagnose, follow, go over, inspect, investigate, look at
Type Words
Synonyms poll
Type of survey
Has types circularise, circularize
Derivation canvasser
Type Words
Type of solicit, tap, beg
Has types circularize
Derivation canvasser