Dutch language

How to pronounce call in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms be known as, know as, name
Type of label
Has types baptise, christen, entitle, tag, style, rename, refer, nickname, term, title, baptize, dub
Verb group address
Type Words
Synonyms anticipate, forebode, foretell, predict, prognosticate, promise
Type of hazard, venture, guess, pretend
Has types prophesy, wager, vaticinate, augur, bet, calculate, forecast, second-guess, outguess, read
Type Words
Synonyms send for
Type of enjoin, say, order, tell
Has types call up, call in, call back, lift, mobilise, muster, hail, rally, summon, recall, beep, summons, cite, mobilize
Derivation caller

She was called into the director's office.
Type Words
Synonyms cry, holler, hollo, scream, shout, shout out, squall, yell
Type of let loose, let out, emit, utter
Has types pipe, hollo, screech, halloo, screak, shriek, shrill, skreak, skreigh, squawk, howl, hurrah, roar, ululate, wail, pipe up, whoop, yaup, yawl
Verb group call out, outcry, exclaim, cry, shout, cry out
Type Words
Synonyms call in, visit
Type of meet, get together
Has types see, drop in, drop by, come by
Derivation caller

The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens.
Type Words
Synonyms call option
Type of option
Type Words
Synonyms margin call
Type of demand
Type Words
Synonyms claim
Type of demand

the call of duty.
Type Words
Synonyms phone call, telephone call
Type of telephone, telephony
Has types trunk call, local call, long distance, long-distance call, collect call, conference call, crank call, call-in, call-back, wake-up call

she reported several anonymous calls.
he placed a phone call to London.
he heard the phone ringing but didn't want to take the call.
Type Words
Synonyms cry, outcry, shout, vociferation, yell
Type of utterance, vocalization
Has types hosanna, bellow, bellowing, bird, blue murder, boo, bronx cheer, catcall, clamor, clamoring, clamour, clamouring, halloo, hiss, holla, holler, hollering, hollo, holloa, hoot, hue and cry, noise, rallying cry, raspberry, razz, razzing, roar, roaring, scream, screaming, screech, screeching, shouting, shriek, shrieking, snort, war cry, war whoop, whoop, yelling, yodel, yowl, battle cry
Type Words
Synonyms address
Type of address, turn to
Verb group know as, be known as, name

She calls him by first name.
Type Words
Synonyms call in
Type of exact, demand
Derivation callable
Type Words
Synonyms call off
Derivation caller
Type Words
Synonyms call up, phone, ring, telephone
Type of telecommunicate
Has types call in, cell phone
Derivation caller

I tried to call you all night.
Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.
Type Words
Synonyms birdcall, birdsong, song
Type of animal communication
Has types bell-like call, two-note call
Type Words
Synonyms bid
Type of play
Has types underbid, preempt, raise, overbid, double, outcall, outbid
Derivation caller

He called his trump.
Type Words
Type of visit

senior professors' wives no longer make afternoon calls on newcomers.
the characters in Henry James' novels are forever paying calls on each other, usually in the parlor of some residence.
Type Words
Type of demand

after two raises there was a call.
Type Words
Type of program line, statement, command, instruction
Has types supervisor call instruction, function call, system call

Pascal performs calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be executed.
Type Words
Type of asking, request
Has types recall

many calls for Christmas stories.
not many calls for buggywhips.
Type Words
Type of label
Has types brand, post, misname, miscall
Verb group be known as, know as, name

He called me a bastard.
She called her children lazy and ungrateful.
Type Words
Type of inclination, tendency, disposition
Type Words
Type of visit
Has types round

the pastor's calls on his parishioners.
the salesman's call on a customer.
Type Words
Type of call for, ask for, bespeak, request, quest
Verb group send for
Derivation caller

The Wannsee Conference was called to discuss the `Final Solution'.
The new dean calls meetings every week.
Type Words
Type of dispute, gainsay, challenge

He deserves to be called on that.
Type Words
Type of gainsay, dispute, challenge

call the speaker on a question of fact.
Type Words
Type of see, reckon, regard, consider, view

I would not call her beautiful.
Type Words
Type of hold, adjudge, declare

call a runner out.
Type Words
Type of indicate

call balls and strikes behind the plate.
Type Words
Type of tempt, lure, entice
Type Words
Type of stop over, stop
Verb group call in, visit

The ship will call in Honolulu tomorrow.
Type Words
Type of order

The unions called a general strike for Sunday.
Type Words
Type of request
Verb group send for
Derivation calling

He was already called 4 times for jury duty.
They called him to active military duty.
Type Words
Type of read
Type Words
Type of expect, require, ask
Verb group call in
Type Words
Type of arouse, wake, wake up, awaken, rouse, waken

I was called at 5 A.M. this morning.
Type Words
Type of telecommunicate
Verb group phone, telephone, ring, call up

Hawaii is calling!.
A transmitter in Samoa was heard calling.
Type Words
Type of determination, conclusion, decision

he was ejected for protesting the call.
Type Words
Type of set back, put off, prorogue, postpone, remit, put over, table, defer, shelve, hold over

call a football game.
Type Words
Type of let out, emit, utter, let loose

bluejays called to one another.
Type Words
Type of let loose, emit, utter, let out
Verb group scream, yell, hollo, shout, cry, shout out, squall, holler
Derivation caller

He called my name.
The auctioneer called the bids.