Dutch language

How to pronounce burst in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms break, erupt
Type of express emotion, express feelings
Type Words
Synonyms flare-up, outburst
Type of occurrence, happening, natural event, occurrent
Has types salvo, rush

an outburst of heavy rain.
a burst of lightning.
Type Words
Synonyms bust
Type of break, separate, fall apart, come apart, split up
Has types shatter

The dam burst.
Type Words
Synonyms abound, bristle
Type of feature, have
Type Words
Synonyms fit
Type of activity
Has types fits and starts

a burst of applause.
Type Words
Synonyms fusillade, salvo, volley
Type of fire, firing
Type Words
Synonyms explode
Type of change integrity
Has types erupt, belch, crump, extravasate, go off
Derivation burster
Type Words
Synonyms collapse
Has types pop
Verb group give, collapse, fall in, founder, break, give way, cave in
Type Words
Synonyms explosion
Type of change of integrity
Has types detonation, fulmination

the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft.
Type Words
Synonyms break open, split
Type of break, come apart, separate, fall apart, split up
Has types pop, blow, stave, stave in

The bubble burst.
Type Words
Type of emerge

The sun burst into view.
Type Words
Type of leap, bound, jump, spring

He burst out of the house into the cool night.