Dutch language

How to pronounce bunk in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms buncombe, bunkum, guff, hogwash, rot
Type of garbage, drivel
Has types bull, bullshit, irish bull, horseshit, dogshit, crap, shit
Type Words
Synonyms berth, built in bed
Type of bed
Has types lower berth, lower, upper berth, upper
Type Words
Synonyms beat
Type of chisel, cheat, rip off
Type Words
Synonyms feed bunk
Type of trough, manger
Type Words
Synonyms break away, escape, fly the coop, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, run, run away, scarper, scat, take to the woods, turn tail
Type of go forth, go away, leave
Has types skedaddle, take flight, fly, flee
Type Words
Synonyms bunk bed
Type of bed
Type Words
Synonyms hokum, meaninglessness, nonsense, nonsensicality
Type of content, message, substance, subject matter
Has types absurdity, drool, empty talk, empty words, fa la, fal la, fiddle-faddle, flummery, gibber, gibberish, hooey, hot air, humbug, incoherence, incoherency, crock, absurdness, amphigory, balderdash, baloney, bilgewater, boloney, bosh, buzzword, cant, cobblers, jabberwocky, mummery, nonsense verse, palaver, piffle, poppycock, rhetoric, ridiculousness, rigamarole, rigmarole, schmegegge, shmegegge, stuff, stuff and nonsense, taradiddle, tarradiddle, tommyrot, tosh, twaddle, unintelligibility
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Type of bed
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Type of bed

We bunked the children upstairs.