Dutch language

How to pronounce buck in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms go against
Type of oppose, react

buck the trend.
Type Words
Synonyms charge, shoot, shoot down, tear
Type of hie, belt along, race, pelt along, bucket along, cannonball along, speed, step on it, rush, hotfoot, rush along, hasten
Has types rip
Verb group scud, dart, dash, flash, scoot, shoot
Type Words
Synonyms clam, dollar, dollar bill, one dollar bill
Type of government note, bank note, bank bill, bill, federal reserve note, banknote, banker's bill, greenback, note
Type Words
Synonyms pearl buck, pearl sydenstricker buck
Type Words
Synonyms long horse, vaulting horse
Type of horse, gymnastic horse
Type Words
Synonyms horse, sawbuck, sawhorse
Type of frame, framework
Has types trestle
Type Words
Synonyms hitch, jerk
Type of move

the yung filly bucked.
Type Words
Type of placental mammal, eutherian, placental, eutherian mammal
Has types stag
Type Words
Type of endeavour, endeavor, strive

John is bucking for a promotion.