Dutch language

How to pronounce bridge in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms nosepiece
Type of tie-in, tie, link, linkup
Type Words
Synonyms bridgework
Type of plate, denture, dental plate
Type Words
Synonyms bridge deck
Type of upper deck
Has types flying bridge, monkey bridge, conning tower, fly bridge, flybridge
Type Words
Synonyms span
Type of structure, construction
Has types cantilever bridge, bailey bridge, bateau bridge, cattle grid, cattle guard, covered bridge, drawbridge, floating bridge, flyover, footbridge, lift bridge, overcrossing, overpass, pedestrian bridge, pontoon bridge, rope bridge, steel arch bridge, suspension bridge, toll bridge, trestle bridge, truss bridge, viaduct
Type Words
Synonyms bridge circuit
Type of circuit, electric circuit, electrical circuit
Has types wheatstone bridge
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Synonyms bridge over
Type of link, tie, link up, connect
Type Words
Type of cards, card game
Has types bridge whist, auction bridge, contract, contract bridge, auction
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Type of support
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Type of cover, cross, cut through, cut across, pass over, get across, get over, track, traverse
Derivation bridgeable
Type Words
Type of join
Derivation bridgeable

bridge a river.
Type Words
Type of connection, connectedness, connexion

his letters provided a bridge across the centuries.
Type Words
Type of body structure, structure, complex body part, anatomical structure, bodily structure

her glasses left marks on the bridge of her nose.