Dutch language

How to pronounce brass in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms administration, establishment, governance, governing body, organisation, organization
Type of body
Has types curia, county council, officialdom, bench, top brass, judiciary, government officials, management, executive
Type Words
Synonyms brass instrument
Type of wind instrument, wind
Has types clarion, baritone, baritone horn, bass horn, bugle, cornet, fluegelhorn, flugelhorn, french horn, horn, saxhorn, sousaphone, trombone, trump, trumpet, tuba
Derivation brassy
Type Words
Synonyms memorial tablet, plaque
Type of memorial, monument
Type Words
Synonyms boldness, cheek, face, nerve
Type of aggressiveness
Has types audaciousness, audacity
Derivation brassy
Type Words
Synonyms brass section
Type of section
Has types trumpet section
Derivation brassy
Type Words
Type of copper-base alloy
Has types muntz metal, gilding metal, low brass, latten, guinea gold, high brass, alpha-beta brass, alpha brass, bearing brass, cartridge brass, ormolu, yellow metal, red brass
Type Words
Type of decoration, ornamentation, ornament