Dutch language

How to pronounce bowl in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms pipe bowl
Type of container
Type Words
Synonyms bowling ball
Type of ball
Type Words
Synonyms bowlful
Type of containerful
Type Words
Synonyms roll
Type of propulsion, actuation
Type Words
Synonyms arena, sports stadium, stadium
Type of structure, construction
Has types domed stadium, coliseum, circus, covered stadium, bullring, dome, amphitheater, amphitheatre, football stadium, hippodrome, ballpark, skybox, park
Type Words
Synonyms trough
Type of concavity, incurvature, incurvation, concave shape
Type Words
Type of dish
Has types salad bowl, slop bowl, soup bowl, cereal bowl, finger bowl, slop basin, porringer, punch bowl, mixing bowl
Type Words
Type of vessel
Has types toilet bowl, fish bowl, fishbowl, goldfish bowl, jorum, mazer
Type Words
Type of ball
Type Words
Type of play
Has types skittle
Derivation bowler

My parents like to bowl on Friday nights.
Type Words
Type of cast, hurtle, hurl
Type Words
Type of wheel, roll
Derivation bowler