Dutch language

How to pronounce bound in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms border
Type of hold in, enclose, confine
Has types skirt, verge, shore
Derivation boundary
Type Words
Synonyms apprenticed, articled, indentured
Type Words
Synonyms bounce, leap, leaping, saltation, spring
Type of jumping, jump
Has types capriole, caper, pounce
Type Words
Synonyms bounce, rebound, recoil, resile, reverberate, ricochet, spring, take a hop
Type of jump, leap, spring
Has types skip, kick back, kick, recoil, carom, bound off
Type Words
Synonyms bandaged

an injury bound in fresh gauze.
Type Words
Synonyms boundary, limit
Type of extent
Has types uttermost, level best, utmost, thermal barrier, starkness, verge, brink, knife-edge, absoluteness, heat barrier, utterness, maximum

what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior.
Type Words
Synonyms destined

bound to happen.
Type Words
Synonyms destined

children bound for school.
Type Words
Synonyms confine, limit, restrict, throttle, trammel
Has types cumber, delimit, delimitate, demarcate, draw a line, draw the line, stiffen, encumber, clamp down, strangle, constrain, crack down, cramp, skimp, gate, halter, tighten up, tighten, hamper, scant, mark off, tie, mark out, reduce, restrain
Type Words
Synonyms jump, leap, spring
Type of move
Has types ricochet, saltate, vault, bounce, reverberate, burst, caper, capriole, take a hop, curvet, galumph, spring, hop, hop-skip, skip, leapfrog, ski jump, overleap, pronk, rebound, recoil, resile
Derivation bounder

The horse bounded across the meadow.
Type Words
Synonyms boundary, edge
Type of line
Has types lower bound, border, thalweg, brink, threshold, rim, periphery, fringe, perimeter, upper bound, outer boundary, verge, margin
Type Words
Synonyms boundary, bounds
Type of extremity
Has types bourne, limit, border, mete, outline, heliopause, hairline, frontier, end, edge, bourn, boundary line, borderline, surface, district line, demarcation line, shoreline, demarcation, delimitation, county line, city line, lineation
Type Words

a bound official.
Type Words

bound and gagged hostages.
Type Words

he is bound in the belly.
Type Words
Type Words

bound volumes.
leather-bound volumes.