Dutch language

How to pronounce bounce in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms jounce
Type of move, locomote, go, travel
Type Words
Synonyms bound, leap, leaping, saltation, spring
Type of jump, jumping
Has types capriole, caper, pounce
Type Words
Synonyms bouncing
Type of backlash, rebound, recoil, repercussion
Derivation bouncy
Type Words
Synonyms bound, rebound, recoil, resile, reverberate, ricochet, spring, take a hop
Type of jump, leap, bound, spring
Has types bound off, skip, carom, recoil, kick, kick back

The rubber ball bounced.
Type Words
Synonyms bounciness
Type of elasticity, snap
Type Words
Type of return

the check bounced.
Type Words
Type of eject, turn out, turf out, boot out, chuck out, exclude
Derivation bouncer

The ex-boxer's job is to bounce people who want to enter this private club.
Type Words
Type of hit
Has types bounce out

bounce a ball.
Type Words
Type of spring, bound, jump, leap

He bounced to his feet.
Type Words
Type of refuse, pass up, turn down, decline, reject

bounce a check.