Dutch language

How to pronounce bluster in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bravado
Type of flash, ostentation, fanfare
Type Words
Synonyms braggadocio, rhodomontade, rodomontade
Type of boasting, self-praise, jactitation, boast
Type Words
Synonyms blow, boast, brag, gas, gasconade, shoot a line, swash, tout, vaunt
Type of hyperbolize, amplify, overdraw, overstate, magnify, exaggerate, hyperbolise
Has types triumph, crow, gloat, puff
Derivation blusterer
Type Words
Synonyms swagger, swash
Type of do, behave, act
Derivation blusterer
Type Words
Type of blast, blow, gust
Derivation blusterous, blustery
Type Words
Type of blow

A southeaster blustered onshore.
The flames blustered.
Type Words
Type of confusion

he was awakened by the bluster of their preparations.