Dutch language

How to pronounce blunt in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms benumb, dull, numb
Type of desensitize, desensitise
Type Words
Synonyms deaden
Type of modify, alter, change
Has types damp, obtund, petrify, soften, weaken, break, dampen

Terror blunted her feelings.
Type Words
Synonyms candid, forthright, frank, free-spoken, outspoken, plainspoken, point-blank, straight-from-the-shoulder
Derivation bluntness

blunt talking and straight shooting.
a blunt New England farmer.
Type Words
Synonyms crude, stark

the blunt truth.
Type Words
Synonyms dull
Type of alter, change, modify
Type Words
Derivation bluntness

thick marks made by a blunt pencil.
Type Words
Type of weaken

blunted emotions.
Type Words
Type of modify, change, alter

blunt the knives.
Type Words
Derivation bluntness

a blunt instrument.