Dutch language

How to pronounce blow in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms ball up, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up, botch, botch up, bumble, bungle, flub, fluff, foul up, fuck up, fumble, louse up, mess up, mishandle, muck up, muff, screw up, spoil
Type of go wrong, fail, miscarry
Type Words
Synonyms be adrift, drift, float
Type of locomote, move, travel, go
Has types tide, stream, waft
Verb group drift, float

The leaves were blowing in the wind.
Type Words
Synonyms bump
Type of impact
Has types jar, jolt, jounce, bash, belt, slap, smash, smack, pounding, tap, sideswipe, shock, buffeting, rap, knock, concussion, strike, bang
Type Words
Synonyms blast, gust
Type of wind, air current, current of air
Has types bluster, puff, sandblast, whiff, puff of air
Derivation blowy
Type Words
Synonyms squander, waste
Type of use, expend
Has types burn
Type Words
Synonyms fellate, go down on, suck
Type of stimulate, stir, excite
Type Words
Synonyms black eye, reversal, reverse, setback
Type of occurrent, natural event, happening, occurrence
Has types whammy
Type Words
Synonyms blow out, burn out
Type of go bad, die, break down, fail, go, conk out, break, give way, give out
Type Words
Synonyms shock
Type of surprise
Has types blip
Type Words
Synonyms bluster, boast, brag, gas, gasconade, shoot a line, swash, tout, vaunt
Type of hyperbolise, exaggerate, hyperbolize, magnify, overdraw, overstate, amplify
Has types crow, puff, triumph, gloat
Type Words
Synonyms shove along, shove off
Type of go, go away, depart

let's blow this place.
Type Words
Synonyms c, coke, nose candy, snow
Type of cocaine, cocain
Type Words
Synonyms suck
Type of be

this blows!.
Type Words
Synonyms puff
Type of breathing out, exhalation, expiration
Has types insufflation

he gave his nose a loud blow.
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Type of rest

blow a horse.
Type Words
Type of stroke
Has types lash, backhander, belt, biff, boot, box, clip, clout, counterblow, whiplash, whip, hammer, hammering, kayo, kick, kicking, knife thrust, knock, knockdown, knockout, ko, whang, lick, poke, pound, pounding, punch, rap, smacker, smacking, stab, stinger, swat, swing, thrust, thump, thwack, uppercut, wallop, whack, shot, slap, slug, smack

a blow on the head.
Type Words
Has types waft, storm, squall, set in, bluster, breeze
Type Words
Type of burst, split, break open
Type Words
Type of direct, send
Has types blast
Derivation blower
Type Words
Type of give away, disclose, uncover, unwrap, let out, break, reveal, expose, bring out, divulge, let on, discover

The double agent was blown by the other side.
Type Words
Type of displace, move
Has types whiff
Derivation blower
Type Words
Type of expire, breathe out, exhale
Has types heave, puff, pant, insufflate, huff, gasp, chuff

blow on the soup to cool it down.
Type Words
Type of release, discharge, eject, exhaust, expel

blow one's nose.
Type Words
Type of lay, repose, put down

certain insects are said to blow.
Type Words
Type of sound, go
Type Words
Type of sound
Type Words
Type of form, shape
Derivation blowing
Type Words
Type of sound, go
Type Words
Type of drop, spend, expend
Verb group waste, squander
Type Words
Type of spirt, spout, gush, spurt