Dutch language

How to pronounce blink in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms blink away, wink
Type of restrain, hold back, keep, keep back

blink away tears.
Type Words
Synonyms flash, twinkle, wink, winkle
Type of radiate
Has types flick, flicker
Derivation blinker
Type Words
Synonyms nictate, nictitate, wink
Type of act reflexively, act involuntarily
Has types flutter, palpebrate, bat
Derivation blinking

The TV announcer never seems to blink.
Type Words
Synonyms blinking, eye blink, nictation, nictitation, wink, winking
Type of unconditioned reflex, inborn reflex, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, physiological reaction, reflex, reflex action, reflex response
Has types palpebration