Dutch language

How to pronounce blend in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms immingle, intermingle, intermix
Type of unify, mix, amalgamate, commix, mingle
Has types commingle
Derivation blender

blend the nuts and raisins together.
he blends in with the crowd.
Type Words
Synonyms blending
Type of compounding, combining, combination
Has types homogenization, homogenisation, conflux, confluence, merging
Type Words
Synonyms blend in, go
Type of concord, accord, agree, consort, fit in, harmonise, harmonize
Verb group fit, go

This flavor will blend with those in your dish.
Type Words
Synonyms coalesce, combine, commingle, conflate, flux, fuse, immix, meld, merge, mix
Type of change integrity
Has types meld, conjugate, mix in, accrete, absorb, syncretise, admix, gauge, alloy, blend in, melt, syncretize

The colors blend well.
Type Words
Synonyms portmanteau, portmanteau word
Type of coinage, neology, neologism

`smog' is a blend of `smoke' and `fog'.
Type Words
Type of mix, mixture