Dutch language

How to pronounce blaze in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms blaze out
Type of start, start out, take off, depart, part, set forth, set off, set out

The spaceship blazed out into space.
Type Words
Synonyms hell
Type of deviltry, devilry, mischief, mischief-making, mischievousness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, shenanigan, devilment

raising blazes.
Type Words
Synonyms blaze away
Type of shoot, blast

He blazed away at the men.
Type Words
Synonyms brilliance, glare
Type of brightness
Type Words
Synonyms hell
Type of trouble

go to blazes.
Type Words
Synonyms blazing
Type of fire, flame, flaming

the blaze spread rapidly.
Type Words
Type of marking

they chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes.
the horse had a blaze between its eyes.
Type Words
Type of combust, burn

The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze.
Type Words
Type of mark

blaze a trail.
Type Words
Type of shine, beam

Meteors blazed across the atmosphere.