Dutch language

How to pronounce black in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms blacken, melanise, melanize
Type of discolour, color, colour, discolor

The smoke blackened the ceiling.
The ceiling blackened.
Type Words
Synonyms shirley temple, shirley temple black
Type Words
Synonyms disgraceful, ignominious, inglorious, opprobrious, shameful

Man...has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands.
Type Words
Synonyms blackness, inkiness
Type of achromatic colour, achromatic color
Has types pitch black, ebony, coal black, soot black, sable, jet black
Type Words
Synonyms pitch-black, pitch-dark
Derivation blackness

a black moonless night.
through the pitch-black woods.
Type Words
Synonyms joseph black
Type Words
Synonyms dark, sinister

black deeds.
a black lie.
his black heart has concocted yet another black deed.
Type Words
Synonyms blackened

a face black with fury.
Type Words
Synonyms smutty
Derivation blackness

with feet black from playing outdoors.
his shirt was black within an hour.
Type Words
Synonyms black-market, bootleg, contraband, smuggled

the black economy pays no taxes.
Type Words
Synonyms blackness, lightlessness, pitch blackness, total darkness
Type of darkness, dark

in the black of night.
Type Words
Synonyms bleak, dim

the future looked black.
Type Words
Synonyms calamitous, disastrous, fatal, fateful
Type Words
Synonyms african-american, negro, negroid
Type of soul, individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone
Has types pickaninny, soul brother, picaninny, piccaninny
Type Words
Synonyms grim, mordant

black humor.
Type Words
Derivation blackness

black leather jackets.
as black as coal.
rich black soil.
Type Words
Type of wear, habiliment, vesture, wearable, article of clothing, clothing

the widow wore black.
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Type of man, piece
Type Words

black looks.
black words.
Type Words
Derivation blackness
Type Words

black propaganda.
Type Words

a great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization.