Dutch language

How to pronounce bid in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bidding
Type of statement
Has types declaration, contract, overbid, overcall, pre-empt, preempt, preemptive bid, takeout
Type Words
Synonyms offer, tender
Has types underbid, by-bid, outbid, overbid, subscribe
Derivation bidder
Type Words
Synonyms invite
Type of request
Has types allure, challenge, tempt
Derivation bidding, biddable
Type Words
Synonyms tender
Type of offering, offer
Has types overbid, buyout bid
Type Words
Synonyms play
Type of effort, try, endeavor, endeavour, attempt

he made a bid to gain attention.
Type Words
Synonyms bidding, command, dictation
Type of speech act
Has types behest, charge, commandment, commission, countermand, direction, injunction, open sesame, order
Type Words
Synonyms wish
Type of greet, recognise, recognize
Has types felicitate, congratulate

bid farewell.
Type Words
Synonyms adjure, beseech, conjure, entreat, press
Type of plead
Derivation biddable, bidding

The prophet bid all people to become good persons.
Type Words
Synonyms call
Type of play
Has types outbid, underbid, outcall, overbid, raise, double, preempt
Derivation bidding, bidder
Type Words
Type of seek

His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population.