Dutch language

How to pronounce berry in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms charles edward berry, chuck berry
Type Words
Type of edible fruit
Has types strawberry, raspberry, saskatoon, serviceberry, shadberry, spiceberry, acerola, sugarberry, surinam cherry, teaberry, west indian cherry, whortleberry, wintergreen, barbados cherry, bilberry, blackberry, blueberry, boxberry, boysenberry, checkerberry, cowberry, cranberry, currant, dewberry, european blueberry, hackberry, huckleberry, juneberry, lingonberry, loganberry, lowbush cranberry, mountain cranberry, mulberry, persimmon
Type Words
Type of fruit
Has types cranberry, simple fruit, bacca, baneberry
Type Words
Type of pluck, cull, pick
Has types blackberry

We went berrying in the summer.