Dutch language

How to pronounce being in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms beingness, existence, face of the earth
Type of state
Has types timeless existence, timelessness, transcendence, transcendency, presence, life, eternity, coexistence, actuality, animation, aliveness, living, preexistence, possibleness, subsistence, possibility
Derivation be

a point of view gradually coming into being.
Type Words
Synonyms organism
Type of animate thing, living thing
Has types aerobe, clon, clone, commensal, congenator, congener, congeneric, conspecific, creature, cross, crossbreed, denizen, diploid, dwarf, zooid, eucaryote, eukaryote, fauna, flora, fungus, haploid, heteroploid, heterotroph, host, hybrid, individual, katharobe, vocalizer, vocaliser, variation, utterer, mascot, micro-organism, microorganism, mortal, mutant, mutation, myrmecophile, native, nekton, nonvascular organism, parasite, parent, person, plankton, plant, plant life, polymorph, polyploid, throwback, postdiluvian, stander, sport, procaryote, prokaryote, recombinant, relative, relict, saprobe, saprophyte, saprophytic organism, sitter, someone, somebody, soul, amphidiploid, anaerobe, animal, animalcule, animalculum, animate being, atavist, beast, benthos, brute, carrier
Derivation be