Dutch language

How to pronounce bear in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms abide, brook, digest, endure, put up, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, tolerate
Type of permit, allow, let, countenance
Has types sit out, live with, stand for, take lying down, hold still for, take a joke, bear up, accept, pay, swallow
Verb group suffer
Derivation bearable

I cannot bear his constant criticism.
Type Words
Synonyms wear
Type of have, feature

bear a scar.
Type Words
Synonyms turn out
Type of create, make
Has types fruit, seed, overbear, crop, spin off
Type Words
Synonyms accept, assume, take over
Type of take
Has types face the music, carry the can

She agreed to bear the responsibility.
Type Words
Synonyms acquit, behave, carry, comport, conduct, deport
Type of hold, carry, move, act
Has types deal, fluster, put forward, posture, pose, assert, walk around
Derivation bearing
Type Words
Synonyms birth, deliver, give birth, have
Type of produce, bring forth
Has types whelp, calve, carry, cub, drop, expect, farrow, fawn, foal, gestate, have a bun in the oven, have young, kitten, lamb, litter, pig, pup, twin
Verb group gestate, carry, expect, have a bun in the oven
Type Words
Synonyms hold
Type of have got, hold, have
Derivation bearer

She bears the title of Duchess.
Type Words
Synonyms carry, contain, hold
Type of include
Has types enclose, confine, hold in, retain
Verb group take, hold, contain
Type Words
Synonyms pay, yield
Type of earn, gain, make, pull in, realise, bring in, take in, realize, clear
Has types net, pay off, clear

interest-bearing accounts.
Type Words
Synonyms carry, hold
Has types poise, acquit, comport, stoop, conduct, behave, piggyback, deport, carry, balance, sling
Derivation bearing
Type Words
Synonyms carry, expect, gestate, have a bun in the oven
Type of birth, deliver, have, give birth
Verb group birth, deliver, have, give birth, expect

She is bearing his child.
Type Words
Type of investor
Type Words
Type of have, feature
Has types carry

bear a resemblance.
bear a signature.
Type Words
Type of carnivore
Has types melursus ursinus, american black bear, ice bear, black bear, brown bear, bruin, ursus ursinus, ursus thibetanus, ursus maritimus, ursus arctos, ursus americanus, asiatic black bear, bear cub, euarctos americanus, thalarctos maritimus, sloth bear, selenarctos thibetanus, polar bear
Type Words
Type of carry, transport
Has types frogmarch
Derivation bearer

bear a heavy load.
bear news.
bearing orders.