Dutch language

How to pronounce avoid in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms avert, debar, deflect, fend off, forefend, forfend, head off, obviate, stave off, ward off
Type of foreclose, forbid, prevent, preclude, forestall
Derivation avoidable

Let's avoid a confrontation.
Type Words
Synonyms annul, invalidate, nullify, quash, void
Type of strike down, cancel
Has types break, set aside, stet
Type Words
Synonyms keep off
Type of abstain, refrain, desist

During Ramadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day.
Type Words
Has types shirk, fiddle, goldbrick, shrink from

He should avoid publishing his wife's memories.
Type Words
Has types fudge, get around, get away, get by, get off, get out, go around, circumvent, hedge, keep off, miss, parry, escape, put off, elude, duck, dodge, shirk, short-circuit, bypass, shun, shy away from, sidestep, skirt, stay off, evade, eschew
Derivation avoidance

Her former friends now avoid her.