Dutch language

How to pronounce attraction in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms attractiveness
Type of quality
Has types allurement, allure, affinity, sexual attraction, enticement, fascination, drawing power, come-on, binding, show-stopper, showstopper, lure, temptingness
Derivation attract

her personality held a strange attraction for him.
Type Words
Synonyms attracter, attractor, draw, drawing card
Type of entertainer
Derivation attract
Type Words
Synonyms attractive force
Type of force
Has types van der waal's forces, bond, chemical bond, gravitation, gravitational attraction, gravitational force, gravity, magnetic attraction, magnetic force, magnetism, affinity
Derivation attract
Type Words
Synonyms attracter, attractive feature, attractor, magnet
Type of feature, characteristic
Has types tourist attraction, attention
Derivation attract
Type Words
Type of show
Has types counterattraction, travelogue, travelog
Derivation attract