Dutch language

How to pronounce attack in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms approach, plan of attack
Type of conceptualisation, conceptualization, formulation
Has types avenue

an attack on inflation.
his plan of attack was misguided.
Type Words
Synonyms assail, assault, lash out, round, snipe
Type of criticize, criticise, pick apart, knock
Has types claw, whip, whang, vitriol, shout, scald, rubbish, rip, abuse, clapperclaw, bombard, blister, blackguard, barrage
Derivation attacker

The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker.
Type Words
Synonyms onrush, onset, onslaught
Type of operation, military operation
Has types blitzkrieg, strike, fire, diversionary attack, diversion, surprise attack, coup de main, countermove, counterattack, charge, bombing, strafe, penetration, bombardment, blitz, incursion, banzai charge, banzai attack, ground attack, firing

the attack began at dawn.
Type Words
Synonyms aggress
Type of act, move
Has types pin, check, fork, harass, tackle
Verb group assail
Derivation attacker

The Serbs attacked the village at night.
The visiting team started to attack.
Type Words
Synonyms tone-beginning
Type of beginning, start, commencement
Type Words
Synonyms blast, fire, flack, flak
Type of unfavorable judgment, criticism

the government has come under attack.
Type Words
Synonyms assail
Type of struggle, fight, contend
Has types bombard, beleaguer, besiege, blitz, bomb, bust, cannonade, circumvent, counterattack, counterstrike, gas, hem in, hit, invade, occupy, pelt, pepper, raid, storm, strafe, strike, submarine, surprise, surround, torpedo
Verb group aggress
Derivation attacker

Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II.
Type Words
Synonyms assail, assault, set on
Has types molest, outrage, sic, profane, rape, ravish, bulldog, violate, assault, blindside, reassail, beset, rush, savage, set, set upon, dishonor, desecrate, dishonour, jump, bait
Derivation attacker
Type Words
Synonyms attempt
Type of criminal offense, crime, law-breaking, criminal offence
Has types assault

attacks on women increased last year.
Type Words
Type of play, turn
Has types counterattack, counterplay

they won the game with a 10-hit attack in the 9th inning.
Type Words
Type of affliction
Has types touch, paroxysm, stroke, cerebrovascular accident, heart attack, apoplexy, flare, fit, cva, spot, seizure, raptus, convulsion, occlusion, ictus, hysterics, anxiety attack

an attack of diarrhea.
Type Words
Type of affect
Derivation attacker

The cancer cells are attacking his liver.
Rust is attacking the metal.
Type Words
Type of commence, start, start out, begin, get down, set out, get, set about
Derivation attacker

I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed.
Type Words
Type of unfavorable judgment, criticism
Has types denigration, defamation, calumny, slander, aspersion

he published an unexpected attack on my work.
Type Words
Type of devolution, degeneration

the film was sensitive to attack by acids.
open to attack by the elements.