Dutch language

How to pronounce assumption in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms supposal, supposition
Type of possibility, theory, hypothesis
Has types presumption, precondition, base, basic assumption, basis, conclusion, fundament, groundwork, self-evident truth, foundation, given, constatation, cornerstone
Derivation assume

any society is built upon certain assumptions.
Type Words
Synonyms effrontery, presumption, presumptuousness
Type of audacity, audaciousness
Has types uppishness, uppityness
Type Words
Synonyms premise, premiss
Type of posit, postulate
Has types precondition, condition, major premise, major premiss, minor premise, minor premiss, scenario, stipulation, subsumption, thesis
Derivation assume

on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not play.
Type Words
Synonyms laying claim
Type of acquisition
Derivation assume

his assumption of office coincided with the trouble in Cuba.
the Nazi assumption of power in 1934.
he acquired all the company's assets for ten million dollars and the assumption of the company's debts.
Type Words
Synonyms assumption of mary, august 15
Type of holy day of obligation
Type Words
Type of miracle
Derivation assume
Type Words
Type of human activity, human action, deed, act
Has types position
Derivation assume

your assumption that I would agree was unwarranted.