Dutch language

How to pronounce argument in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms argumentation, line, line of reasoning, logical argument
Type of abstract thought, logical thinking, reasoning
Has types policy, casuistry, line of questioning, line of inquiry
Type Words
Synonyms statement
Type of evidence
Has types proof, adducing, case, clincher, con, counterargument, determiner, determining factor, last word, pro, specious argument
Derivation argue

it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true.
Type Words
Synonyms argumentation, debate
Type of word, discussion, give-and-take
Has types logomachy
Derivation argue

the argument over foreign aid goes on and on.
Type Words
Synonyms literary argument
Type of sum-up, summary

the editor added the argument to the poem.
Type Words
Synonyms arguing, contention, contestation, controversy, disceptation, disputation, tilt
Type of difference, conflict, dispute, difference of opinion
Has types fight, sparring, polemic, argy-bargy, argle-bargle, firestorm
Derivation argue

they were involved in a violent argument.
Type Words
Synonyms parameter
Type of value, computer address, reference, address
Type Words
Type of variable quantity, variable