Dutch language

How to pronounce antelope in Dutch?

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Type of bovid
Has types addax nasomaculatus, adenota vardoni, aepyceros melampus, antilope cervicapra, black buck, blackbuck, blue bull, bongo, boocercus eurycerus, boselaphus tragocamelus, damaliscus lunatus, dik-dik, eland, gazelle, gerenuk, gnu, harnessed antelope, hartebeest, hippotragus niger, impala, koodoo, koudou, kudu, litocranius walleri, mountain nyala, nilgai, nylghai, nylghau, oryx, pasang, puku, raphicerus campestris, sable antelope, saiga, saiga tatarica, sassaby, steenbok, steinbok, topi, tragelaphus buxtoni, tragelaphus eurycerus, waterbuck, addax, wildebeest