Dutch language

How to pronounce anteater in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms echidna, spiny anteater
Type of monotreme, egg-laying mammal
Type Words
Synonyms banded anteater, myrmecobius fasciatus, numbat
Type of dasyurid marsupial, dasyurid
Type Words
Synonyms echidna, spiny anteater
Type of egg-laying mammal, monotreme
Type Words
Synonyms aardvark, ant bear, orycteropus afer
Type of placental mammal, eutherian, placental, eutherian mammal
Type Words
Synonyms pangolin, scaly anteater
Type of placental, eutherian mammal, eutherian, placental mammal
Type Words
Synonyms new world anteater
Type of edentate
Has types lesser anteater, cyclopes didactylus, giant anteater, great anteater, ant bear, myrmecophaga jubata, silky anteater, tamandu, tamandua, tamandua tetradactyla, tamanoir, two-toed anteater