Dutch language

How to pronounce amount in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms measure, quantity
Type of abstract entity, abstraction
Has types probability, chance, cordage, definite quantity, economic value, fundamental measure, fundamental quantity, indefinite quantity, interval, magnetisation, magnetization, metric, octane number, octane rating, period of play, play, playing period, point, point in time, proof, quantum, radical, relative quantity, system of measurement, time interval, time unit, unit of time, value, volume
Type Words
Synonyms add up, come, number, total
Type of be
Has types average, work out, outnumber, make, average out

The bills amounted to $2,000.
Type Words
Synonyms amount of money, sum, sum of money
Type of assets
Has types cash advance, figure, red ink, red, defalcation, purse, receipts, peanuts, cash surrender value, gross, contribution, payroll, insurance coverage, advance, loss, coverage, deductible, revenue, gain, paysheet

the amount he had in cash was insufficient.
Type Words
Synonyms sum, total
Type of quantity
Has types subtotal, grand total
Type Words
Synonyms add up, come
Type of turn, become
Has types aggregate

This idea will never amount to anything.
Type Words
Has types make

Her action amounted to a rebellion.
Type Words
Type of magnitude
Has types figure, deficiency, decrement, decrease, critical mass, negativeness, margin, insufficiency, quantity, positivity, positiveness, increment, number, smallness, negativity, inadequacy, increase

an adequate amount of food for four people.