Dutch language

How to pronounce alcohol in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, inebriant, intoxicant
Type of street drug, potable, drink, drug of abuse, drinkable, beverage
Has types nipa, perry, proof spirit, booze, brew, brewage, pulque, rice beer, rotgut, sake, saki, slug, spirits, strong drink, vino, wine, hard cider, hard drink, hard liquor, home brew, homebrew, hooch, hootch, aperitif, john barleycorn, kava, kavakava, koumiss, kumis, liqueur, liquor, ethyl alcohol, cordial, mixed drink, neutral spirits
Derivation alcoholic, alcoholize

alcohol (or drink) ruined him.
Type Words
Type of liquid
Has types wood spirit, allyl alcohol, amyl alcohol, butanol, butyl alcohol, cyclohexanol, dihydric alcohol, diol, ethanol, ethyl alcohol, fermentation alcohol, glycerin, glycerine, glycerol, glycol, grain alcohol, isopropanol, isopropyl alcohol, lauryl alcohol, methanol, methyl alcohol, propanol, propenyl alcohol, propyl alcohol, steroid alcohol, sterol, wood alcohol, 1-dodecanol
Derivation alcoholic