Dutch language

How to pronounce air in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms aerate, air out
Type of expose
Type Words
Synonyms atmosphere
Type of part, region
Has types airspace

it was exposed to the air.
Type Words
Synonyms air travel, aviation
Type of travel, traveling, travelling
Has types flying, flight

air travel involves too much waiting in airports.
if you've time to spare go by air.
Type Words
Synonyms air out, vent, ventilate
Type of refresh, freshen

air the old winter clothes.
air out the smoke-filled rooms.
Type Words
Synonyms breeze, gentle wind, zephyr
Type of wind, current of air, air current
Has types fresh breeze, gentle breeze, strong breeze, light air, light breeze, moderate breeze, breath, sea breeze
Derivation airy

as he waited he could feel the air on his neck.
Type Words
Synonyms line, melodic line, melodic phrase, melody, strain, tune
Type of music
Has types signature, fanfare, signature tune, melodic theme, part, glissando, flourish, theme song, leitmotif, leitmotiv, musical theme, tucket, voice, roulade, idea, theme

she was humming an air from Beethoven.
Type Words
Synonyms atmosphere, aura
Type of quality
Has types vibe, mystique, vibration, note

an air of mystery.
the house had a neglected air.
Type Words
Synonyms beam, broadcast, send, transmit
Type of bare, publicise, publicize
Has types telecast, televise, interrogate, rebroadcast, rerun, satellite, sportscast

We cannot air this X-rated song.
Type Words
Synonyms bare, publicise, publicize
Type of tell
Has types transmit, beam, bring out, broadcast, bulletin, circularise, circularize, circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, hype, issue, pass around, propagate, publish, put out, release, send, spread

She aired her opinions on welfare.
Type Words
Synonyms airwave
Type of medium

the program was on the air from 9 til midnight.
the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people.
Type Words
Type of gas
Has types breath, liquid air, hot air
Derivation aerate, aerify

air pollution.
a smell of chemicals in the air.
open a window and let in some air.
I need some fresh air.
Type Words
Has types be on, get on

This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M..
Type Words
Type of dry out, dry
Type Words
Type of element
Type Words
Type of part, region
Derivation aerial

her hand stopped in mid air.
he threw the ball into the air.