Dutch language

How to pronounce admirer in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms adorer
Type of lover
Has types suitor, fancier, worshipper, enthusiast, wooer, suer, worshiper
Derivation admire

she had many admirers.
Type Words
Synonyms booster, champion, friend, protagonist, supporter
Type of exponent, proponent, advocate, advocator
Has types functionalist, graecophile, indorser, jacobite, loyalist, mainstay, maintainer, new dealer, partisan, partizan, philhellene, philhellenist, pillar, ratifier, roundhead, seconder, shavian, stalwart, subscriber, sympathiser, anglophil, anglophile, believer, boswell, cheerleader, confederate, corporatist, endorser, enthusiast, francophil, francophile, free trader, toaster, truster, upholder, verifier, voucher, wassailer, well-wisher, whig, sustainer, sympathizer
Derivation admire
Type Words
Type of individual, someone, somebody, soul, person, mortal
Has types wonderer, marveller, venerator
Derivation admire