Dutch language

How to pronounce accounting in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms account, account statement
Type of financial statement, statement
Has types capital account, profit and loss, expense account, profit and loss account, travel and entertainment account, suspense account
Derivation account

they send me an accounting every month.
Type Words
Synonyms accountancy
Type of line, business, line of work, occupation, job
Has types inventory accounting, bookkeeping, cost accounting, clerking
Derivation account
Type Words
Synonyms accounting system, method of accounting
Type of register
Has types ledger entry, pooling of interest, limited review, audited account, cash basis, review, control account, credit side, debit side, entry, accounting entry, accrual basis, audit
Derivation account
Type Words
Type of account, explanation

he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions.
Type Words
Type of system, system of rules
Has types balance of international payments, balance of payments, current account
Derivation account