Italian language

How to pronounce yell in Italian?

Toggle Transcript
Type Words
Synonyms call, cry, holler, hollo, scream, shout, shout out, squall
Type of emit, utter, let out, let loose
Has types yawl, shrill, skreak, skreigh, squawk, ululate, wail, whoop, yaup, halloo, hollo, howl, hurrah, pipe, pipe up, roar, screak, screech, shriek
Verb group outcry, call, exclaim, shout, call out, cry out, cry
Derivation yelling

I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me.
Type Words
Synonyms scream
Type of shout
Derivation yeller

You don't have to yell--I can hear you just fine.
Type Words
Synonyms cry
Type of utterance, vocalization
Has types complaint

a yell of pain.
Type Words
Synonyms call, cry, outcry, shout, vociferation
Type of utterance, vocalization
Has types boo, bronx cheer, catcall, clamor, clamoring, clamour, clamouring, halloo, hiss, holla, holler, hollering, hollo, holloa, battle cry, hoot, hosanna, hue and cry, noise, rallying cry, raspberry, razz, razzing, roar, roaring, scream, screaming, screech, screeching, shouting, shriek, shrieking, snort, war cry, war whoop, whoop, yelling, yodel, yowl, bellow, bellowing, bird, blue murder