Italian language

How to pronounce struggle in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms clamber, scramble, shin, shinny, skin, sputter
Type of climb
Type Words
Synonyms battle
Type of endeavor, endeavour, effort, attempt, try
Has types scuffle, joust, tilt, duel, scramble

getting through the crowd was a real struggle.
Type Words
Synonyms contend, fight
Has types wrestle, chickenfight, combat, defend, duel, engage, fence, feud, fight, fight back, fight down, fistfight, get back, join battle, joust, oppose, scuffle, settle, skirmish, spar, tourney, tug, tussle, wage, war, assail, attack, bandy, battle, bear down, box, chicken-fight
Type Words
Synonyms battle, conflict
Type of group action
Has types insurrection, pacification, rebellion, revolt, rising, scrap, warfare, class struggle, class war, class warfare, combat, counterinsurgency, feud, fight, fighting, tug-of-war, war, strife, uprising, turf war
Type Words
Synonyms fight
Type of assay, essay, attempt, try, seek
Has types labor, push, drive, flounder, tug, labour
Derivation struggler

She struggled for years to survive without welfare.
Type Words
Type of travail, sweat, elbow grease, effort, exertion
Has types wrestling, grapple, wrestle, grappling, hand-to-hand struggle

the struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her.
Type Words
Type of endeavour, strive, endeavor
Derivation struggler

he struggled to get free from the rope.