Italian language

How to pronounce song in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms strain
Type of vocal music
Has types cradlesong, lullaby, carol
Derivation songster, sing

with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates.
Type Words
Synonyms song dynasty, sung, sung dynasty
Type of dynasty
Type Words
Synonyms vocal
Type of piece, opus, musical composition, composition, piece of music
Has types barcarolle, berceuse, coronach, cradlesong, work song, anthem, aria, ballad, banquet song, barcarole, lay, lied, love-song, love song, lullaby, oldie, partsong, prothalamion, prothalamium, religious song, requiem, roundelay, scolion, serenade, threnody, torch song, dirge, ditty, drinking song, folk ballad, folk song, folksong, golden oldie, lament
Derivation sing, songster

a successful musical must have at least three good songs.
Type Words
Synonyms birdcall, birdsong, call
Type of animal communication
Has types two-note call, bell-like call
Derivation songster, sing

a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age.
Type Words
Type of sound
Derivation sing

the song of bullets was in the air.
the song of the wind.
the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead.
Type Words
Type of buy, bargain, steal

he bought it for a song.