Italian language

How to pronounce result in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms consequence, effect, event, issue, outcome, upshot
Type of phenomenon
Has types aftermath, backwash, bandwagon effect, branch, brisance, butterfly effect, by-product, byproduct, change, coattails effect, aftereffect, coriolis effect, dent, domino effect, fallout, harvest, impact, influence, knock-on effect, materialisation, materialization, offset, offshoot, offspring, outgrowth, placebo effect, position effect, product, repercussion, response, reverberation, side effect, spillover, wake, wallop
Type Words
Synonyms lead, leave
Type of give rise, produce, bring about
Has types lead
Verb group leave
Derivation resultant
Type Words
Synonyms ensue
Type of turn out, turn up, prove
Has types fall out, be due, follow, come after, come, flow from
Derivation resultant

result in tragedy.
Type Words
Synonyms answer, resolution, solution, solvent
Type of statement
Has types denouement

he computed the result to four decimal places.
Type Words
Synonyms resultant role
Type of semantic role, participant role
Type Words
Synonyms final result, outcome, resultant, termination
Type of conclusion, ending, finish
Has types subsequence, sequel, separation, aftermath, denouement, decision, deal, consequence, worst

he listened for the results on the radio.
Type Words
Type of pass, pass off, happen, go on, come about, occur, take place, fall out, hap

nothing will result from this meeting.