Italian language

How to pronounce remember in Italian?

Toggle Transcript
Type Words
Synonyms think of
Has types qualify, bear in mind, retain, keep note, characterise, characterize, mind
Derivation remembrance
Type Words
Synonyms call back, call up, recall, recollect, retrieve, think
Has types recognise, recognize, know, review, refresh, brush up
Derivation remembering, remembrance

I can't remember saying any such thing.
can you remember her phone number?.
Do you remember that he once loved you?.
Type Words
Synonyms commend
Type of advert, bring up, cite, mention, name, refer
Type Words
Synonyms commemorate
Derivation remembrance

We remembered the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
Type Words
Synonyms think back
Has types look back, reminisce, retrospect, review
Derivation remembrance, remembering

he remembered how he used to pick flowers.
Type Words
Type of link up, tie in, relate, link, associate, colligate, connect
Derivation remembering, remembrance

After the shelling, many people lost the ability to remember.
some remember better than others.
Type Words
Type of mention, bring up, cite, name, refer, advert
Derivation remembrance

remember me in your prayers.
Type Words
Type of will, bequeath, leave
Derivation remembrance

He remembered her in his will.