Italian language

How to pronounce phone in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms sound, speech sound
Type of linguistic unit, language unit
Has types vowel, vowel sound, consonant, semivowel, phoneme, orinasal phone, orinasal, voiced sound, glide, sonant
Derivation phonetic, phonic, phonate
Type Words
Synonyms telephone, telephone set
Type of electronic equipment
Has types french telephone, speakerphone, handset, wireless telephone, desk phone, radiotelephone, dial phone, dial telephone, extension, extension phone, pay-phone, pay-station, telephone extension, radiophone

I talked to him on the telephone.
Type Words
Synonyms earphone, earpiece, headphone
Type of electro-acoustic transducer
Has types receiver, earplug, telephone receiver

it was not the typing but the earphones that she disliked.
Type Words
Synonyms call, call up, ring, telephone
Type of telecommunicate
Has types call in, cell phone
Verb group call
Derivation phoner