Italian language

How to pronounce pattern in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms practice
Type of activity
Has types cross dressing, biologism, calisthenics, callisthenics, cannibalism, careerism, cooperation, custom, fashion, featherbedding, formalism, habitude, lobbyism, lynch law, mistreatment, modernism, naturism, nonconformism, nudism, occult, occult arts, one-upmanship, ornamentalism, papism, peonage, pluralism, popery, quotation, ritual, ritualism, slaveholding, slavery, symbolisation, symbolism, symbolization, systematism, transvestism, transvestitism, unwritten law, usage, usance

they changed their dietary pattern.
Type Words
Synonyms form, shape
Type of structure
Has types gestalt, fractal, strand, kaleidoscope, grid, mosaic

a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them.
Type Words
Synonyms blueprint, design
Type of plan, program, programme

a pattern for a skirt.
Type Words
Synonyms design, figure
Type of ornamentation, decoration, ornament
Has types decal, damascene, linocut, tattoo, emblem, screen saver, decalcomania, herringbone, triskele, triskelion, sunburst, mandala, polka dot, weave, pyrograph, argyle, argyll, bear claw, marking, mihrab, device, motif, motive, tetraskele, tetraskelion, herringbone pattern
Type Words
Synonyms approach pattern, traffic pattern
Type of itinerary, route, path

the traffic patterns around O'Hare are very crowded.
they stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted.
Type Words
Synonyms convention, formula, normal, rule
Type of practice
Has types code of behavior, mores, code of conduct, universal
Type Words
Synonyms radiation diagram, radiation pattern
Type of graphical recording, graphical record, graph
Type Words
Synonyms model
Type of imitate, simulate, copy
Has types sovietize, scale, sovietise
Type Words
Type of good example, exemplar, model, example

the American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics.
Type Words
Type of correspond, jibe, match, tally, agree, check, fit, gibe

These sentences pattern like the ones we studied before.