Italian language

How to pronounce occurrent in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms happening, natural event, occurrence
Type of event
Has types accompaniment, alteration, appearance, attendant, avalanche, beginning, black eye, blow, bonanza, boom, break, bunce, burst, case, chance event, change, co-occurrence, collapse, computer error, conclusion, concomitant, contact, contingence, contingency, convergence, crash, destiny, disappearance, discharge, ending, episode, error, eruption, eventuality, example, experience, failure, fate, finish, fire, flare-up, flash, fortuity, godsend, gold rush, gravy, impinging, incident, instance, interruption, irruption, juncture, manna from heaven, marvel, miracle, modification, motion, movement, news event, accident, one-off, outbreak, outburst, periodic event, recurrent event, reversal, reverse, setback, sound, striking, stroke, success, supervention, thing, treat, trouble, union, windfall, wonder, occasion
Type Words
Derivation occurrence

technical terms are rarely occurrent in literature.