Italian language

How to pronounce number in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms count
Type of classify, class, sort out, separate, assort, sort
Type Words
Synonyms count, enumerate, numerate
Type of find, determine, find out, ascertain
Has types recount, sum, sum up, summate, tally, tot, tot up, total, tote up, add, add together, add up, census, miscount
Type Words
Synonyms issue
Type of periodical
Has types edition
Type Words
Synonyms figure
Type of amount
Has types bulk, numerousness, numerosity, multiplicity, minority, roundness, majority, innumerableness, fewness, countlessness, preponderance, prevalence

the number of parameters is small.
Type Words
Synonyms phone number, telephone number
Type of sign, signal, signaling

he has an unlisted number.
Type Words
Synonyms add up, amount, come, total
Type of be
Has types outnumber, average out, work out, average, make
Type Words
Synonyms act, bit, routine, turn
Type of performance, public presentation
Has types showstopper, show-stopper, stopper

it was one of the best numbers he ever did.
Type Words
Synonyms numeral
Type of symbol
Has types antilogarithm, hindu numeral, hindu-arabic numeral, arabic numeral, antilog, roman numeral
Type Words
Synonyms keep down
Type of confine to, circumscribe, limit
Type Words
Synonyms list
Type of identify, name
Has types itemize, itemise
Derivation numbering

We must number the names of the great mathematicians.
Type Words
Type of size

a number 13 shoe.
Type Words
Type of definite quantity
Has types prime, prime quantity, atomic number, augend, addend, baryon number, base, biquadrate, biquadratic, multiplicand, quota, quartic, remainder, record, ordinal, ordinal number, oxidation number, oxidation state, page number, pagination, paging, radix, quotient, cardinal, cardinal number, cardinality, co-ordinate, complex number, complex quantity, composite number, compound number, constant, coordinate, count, whole number, cube, decimal, difference, dividend, divisor, factor, third power, fibonacci number, fixed-point number, floating-point number, folio, fourth power, subtrahend, square, imaginary, imaginary number, second power, integer, linage, lineage, score, root, minuend, arity, multiplier, multiplier factor, natural number, no.
Derivation numerical

every number has a unique position in the sequence.
Type Words
Type of product, ware, merchandise

she preferred the black nylon number.
this sweater is an all-wool number.
Type Words
Type of item

take the number 2 to the main square, then change to the number 5.
Type Words
Type of positive identification
Has types aba transit number, bank identification number, bin, license number, personal identification number, pin, pin number, registration number, social security number

she refused to give them her Social Security number.
Type Words
Type of company

I hope to become one of their number before I die.
Type Words
Type of denominate, designate
Has types paginate, page, foliate
Derivation numbering

You should number the pages of the thesis.
Type Words
Type of grammatical category, syntactic category

in English the subject and the verb must agree in number.