Italian language

How to pronounce noise in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms dissonance, racket
Type of sound, auditory sensation

modern music is just noise to me.
Type Words
Synonyms disturbance, interference
Type of trouble
Has types crosstalk, clutter, background signal, jitter, fadeout, white noise, atmospherics, xt, background, static, atmospheric static
Type Words
Synonyms haphazardness, randomness, stochasticity
Type of unregularity, irregularity
Has types ergodicity
Type Words
Synonyms make noise, resound
Type of sound, go
Has types skreak, whine, squeak, stridulate, sough, backfire, blare, blast, brattle, clack, clatter, claxon, clitter, crackle, creak, crunch, drown out, screech, sizzle, honk, howl, hum, jangle, jingle, jingle-jangle, purl, racket, ring out, roar, scranch, scraunch, screak, scream
Type Words
Type of yell, call, outcry, cry, vociferation, shout
Derivation noisy

the announcement of the election recount caused a lot of noise.
whatever it was he didn't like it and he was going to let them know by making as loud a noise as he could.
Type Words
Type of incomprehensibility

all the noise in his speech concealed the fact that he didn't have anything to say.
Type Words
Type of sound
Has types pant, plash, plonk, plop, plump, racket, rale, rattle, rattling, report, rhonchus, roar, roaring, rumble, rumbling, rustling, scrape, scraping, scratch, scratching, scream, screaming, screech, screeching, scrunch, shriek, shrieking, shrilling, sibilation, sizzle, slam, snap, snore, spatter, spattering, splash, splatter, splattering, splutter, sputter, sputtering, squawk, squeak, squish, stridulation, swoosh, thunder, uproar, whisper, whispering, whoosh, rustle, bam, bang, banging, bark, blare, blaring, blast, boom, brouhaha, cacophony, chatter, chattering, chug, clack, clamor, clang, clangor, clangoring, clangour, clank, clap, clash, clatter, crack, cracking, crackle, crackling, crash, creak, creaking, crepitation, crunch, din, ding-dong, eruption, explosion, fizzle, grate, grinding, grumble, grumbling, grunt, hiss, hissing, howl, hubbub, hum, humming, hushing, katzenjammer, oink

he enjoyed the street noises.
they heard indistinct noises of people talking.
during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels.