Italian language

How to pronounce letter in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms alphabetic character, letter of the alphabet
Type of grapheme, character, graph, graphic symbol
Has types f, eta, g, gamma, gimel, zee, zeta, alpha, ezed, ex, a, aleph, h, he, heth, epsilon, e, i, initial, double-u, iota, izzard, j, k, kaph, kappa, khi, l, lambda, lamedh, digraph, digram, descender, delta, m, daleth, mem, mu, n, d, nu, nun, o, omega, omicron, consonant, chi, p, c, pe, block letter, phi, pi, polyphone, polyphonic letter, block capital, beth, beta, psi, q, qoph, r, resh, rho, b, s, sadhe, samekh, shin, sigma, sin, t, tau, taw, teth, ayin, ascender, theta, u, upsilon, v, vowel, w, waw, wye, x, xi, y, yodh, z, zayin, zed

his grandmother taught him his letters.
Type Words
Synonyms varsity letter
Type of laurels, award, honor, accolade, honour

he won letters in three sports.
Type Words
Synonyms missive
Type of textual matter, text, document
Has types invitation, fan letter, aerogram, aerogramme, air letter, airmail letter, round robin, pastoral, chain letter, open letter, cover letter, covering letter, crank letter, dead letter, dead mail, letter of intent, form letter, encyclical, encyclical letter, epistle, personal letter, business letter

mailed an indignant letter to the editor.
Type Words
Type of literal interpretation

he followed instructions to the letter.
he obeyed the letter of the law.
Type Words
Type of write
Derivation letterer
Type Words
Type of proprietor, owner
Derivation let
Type Words
Type of print, impress
Derivation letterer
Type Words
Type of win, earn, garner