Italian language

How to pronounce finish in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms coating, finishing
Type of decorativeness
Has types glaze, shoeshine

the boat had a metallic finish.
he applied a coat of a clear finish.
when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly.
Type Words
Synonyms conclusion, ending
Type of natural event, happening, occurrent, occurrence
Has types stop, defeat, demolition, destruction, end, final result, foregone conclusion, halt, last, licking, matter of course, omega, outcome, result, resultant, termination, triumph, victory, wipeout, z

when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show.
Type Words
Synonyms eat up, polish off
Type of eat
Has types go through, tuck away, demolish, devour, consume, tuck in, put away, down
Type Words
Synonyms end up, fetch up, finish up, land up, wind up
Type of act, move
Type Words
Synonyms close, conclusion, finale, finis, last, stopping point
Type of end, ending

the market was up at the finish.
Type Words
Synonyms cultivation, culture, polish, refinement
Type of perfection, ne plus ultra, flawlessness

almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art.
Type Words
Synonyms cease, end, stop, terminate
Has types discontinue, break up, vanish, turn out, lapse, pass away, adjourn, climax, close, come out, conclude, culminate, cut out, disappear, go, go away, go out, recess, run short, break, run out, run low
Type Words
Synonyms finishing
Type of closing, windup, mop up, culmination, completion
Has types closing curtain, finale, finis, close

his best finish in a major tournament was third.
the speaker's finishing was greeted with applause.
Type Words
Synonyms complete
Type of end, terminate
Has types action, clear up, carry through, carry out, wrap up, get through, fulfill, top off, top, finish up, finish out, finish off, execute, polish off, mop up, implement, go through with, accomplish, close, fulfil, see through, round out, put through, follow up, follow through, follow out
Derivation finishing, finisher

He finished the dishes.
The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 hours; others finished in over 4 hours.
Type Words
Synonyms destination, goal
Type of end, terminal
Has types finishing line, finish line

a crowd assembled at the finish.
Type Words
Type of end, terminate

That finished me with Mary.
Type Words
Type of occurrent, occurrence, happening, natural event
Has types tie, draw, third-place finish, second-place finish, standoff, runner-up finish, photo finish

excitement grew as the finish neared.
my horse was several lengths behind at the finish.
the winner is the team with the most points at the finish.
Type Words
Type of surface, coat
Has types broom, dress
Derivation finishing, finisher

The carpenter finished the table beautifully.
this shirt is not finished properly.
Type Words
Type of downfall, ruin, ruination

booze will be the finish of him.
it was a fight to the finish.
Type Words
Type of taste, taste perception, taste sensation, gustatory sensation, gustatory perception

the wine has a nutty flavor and a pleasant finish.