Italian language

How to pronounce fasten in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms tighten
Type of modify, change, alter
Has types frap, firm, wind up, tauten, wind, screw
Type Words
Synonyms fix, secure
Type of attach
Has types berth, bight, bind, bitt, brad, brooch, buckle, button, cable, cast anchor, cement, chain, chock, cinch, clamp, clasp, cleat, clinch, coapt, cramp, crank, deposit, drop anchor, entrench, garter, girth, ground, grout, hang, hang up, hasp, hook, intrench, joggle, joint, latch, lock, lock up, lodge, zipper, anchor, bandage, bar, belay, belt, tack, tie, tie up, toggle, velcro, wedge, wire, zip, zip up, moor, noose, picket, pin, rig, rivet, rope up, run up, sew, sew together, spike, stake, staple, stay, stick, stitch, strap, string
Derivation fastener, fastening

fasten the lock onto the door.
Type Words
Type of attach

They fastened various nicknames to each other.
Type Words
Type of attach
Has types stick, glue
Derivation fastener, fastening

This dress fastens in the back.